It serves as a primer for those just getting started in the field or a way to shore up the fundamentals for those already designing digital products. Containing practical and useful knowledge for developers and web designers, The Smashing Book is a literary work printed in full-color with 10 chapters. It tackles web design color theory, rule of thumb, user interface design, optimization practices, usability guidelines, and best coding practices. It also discusses branding, marketing, typography, and presents select insights from some of the best designers in the world. As a relatively new field, user experience design (UX design) and user interface design (UI design) continues to grow and evolve.

books on ui design

Here we have 6 valuable books for those who are starting on their UX design journey and want to learn the fundamentals. The selection includes books on beginner’s lessons, design systems, designing with the developers in mind, laying your first job, and learning the core design principles. For this section, I collected five highly recommended valuable books on UX design suitable for creative agencies. UI/UX designers, researchers, project managers, Scrum masters, developers, copywriters, marketing teams, and business analysts can find these books very valuable.


Because of this, UX researchers will also benefit from reading this book. The Design of Everyday Things is an all-time classic in UX design. Written by Don Norman in 1988, this book is still relevant today.

books on ui design

Citing evidence that too much introspection can actually do damage, Wilson makes the case for better ways of discovering our unconscious selves. If you want to know who you are or what you feel or what you’re like, Wilson advises, pay attention to what you actually do and what other people think about you. Showing us an unconscious more powerful than Freud’s, and even more pervasive in our daily life, Strangers to Ourselves marks a revolution in how we know ourselves. “Know thyself,” a precept as old as Socrates, is still good advice. Strangers to Ourselves really gets in the weeds here and will change the way you think about how you think.

Quantifying the User Experience

Steve Krug states that good design is where you do not have to think about how you should interact with the design. As you might know, usability is a big part of UX, making this a great book to help you learn about it as a UX professional. After its initial release, the book received a significant update in 2013. Because of this, the book is relevant for every UX designer today.

That’s someone you listen to when it is user experience we’re talking about. Here are some books for the new UX designers to get the hang of it. This book covers a breadth of topics, including typography, proportion, composition, visual hierarchy, and colour. So for designers looking for a fresh set of rules by which to view their work, or those just looking to break into the industry, ‘About Face’ is a great leaping off point.

Simple and Usable: Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design by Giles Colborne

Creative Selection is a fascinating insight into the design thinking behind Apple’s creative powerhouse. It will inspire you to think differently about your design process from the teams that changed the user experience of entire industries. Even the best designers are just “hacking” it most of the time and learning new skills as they go. It’s OK to feel overwhelmed by the number ui ux design books of things every designer needs to learn. The best approach I’ve found to move past imposter syndrome is to embrace it and adopt a mentality of incremental improvement—make a habit of improving your skills by 1% every day. Once you realise you’re not Jack and you’re never going to be a master of all of these trades, you can instead focus on becoming a life-long learner.

books on ui design

Each of these books will teach you something new or give you an insight on how to do things better. Even if you’re a skilled veteran, these books are still bound to inspire you and recover some lost neurons. Now, if you’ve found yourself looking for a way into this trend as an advanced UX designer, I have just the book for you. Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden’s Lean UX explores the outcomes of an agile working mindset and how you can make the most of lean UX. What Laura Klein does with Build Better Products is set out a framework for product management that takes all aspects of creating a successful product into account.

Using real-world and fun examples, the book offers everything you need to feel comfortable creating landing pages, online portfolios, and more, all in a beautiful package. It doesn’t go into depth on any topic, but it keeps the reader from getting bogged down with too many details. Hello Web Design s is a very easy lecture to read to get caught up on some of the basic web design concepts, especially for developers who don’t have time for a specialised design course. This book is a good starting point for those with no formal education in the design field, particularly web design.

  • Once you have read these books, you can consider yourself to have a solid understanding of UX theory.
  • Laying the Foundations is a comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining design systems.
  • “A Project Guide to UX Design” by Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler is an invaluable handbook for UX designers handling the complexity of design projects.
  • Marsh’s practical, humor-infused approach makes this a quick and enjoyable read, perfect to consume in one sitting.
  • Let me know if you’ve read any other great UI design books too, as I’m always looking to expand my reading list.
  • A key takeaway from this book is recognizing the diversity in user behavior and the importance of designing for these variations, akin to addressing differing behaviors in real life.



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