That feedback goes back into prototyping, allowing you to create new functions and features with each prototype. When everything is finalized, the final product is created, tested, and delivered to the customer. By reducing planning time and emphasizing prototype iterations, RAD allows project managers and stakeholders to accurately measure progress and communicate in real time on evolving issues or changes. This results in greater efficiency, faster development, and effective communication.

rad application development

HR teams have a lot to coordinate when an employee decides to leave the company. This app might seem trickier to build just because there are so many moving parts involved. Then the procurement team can sit alongside someone familiar with Kissflow to build the first prototype. You should be able to have a working form and workflow built within 1-2 hours depending on the complexity of your form and how many databases you want to link it to. With the boom of smartphones and cloud services, there’s been an exponential increase in the requirement for good methodologies to make software quickly and efficiently.

Software Requirement

The goal is to rapidly produce a working design that can be demonstrated to the client. Developers and designers work hand-in-hand with clients until a final product is ready, to ensure the client’s needs are being met. During this early stage prototyping, it is common for developers to cut corners in order to produce a working product that is acceptable to the product owner. Traditional software development methods, like waterfall, follow rigid process models that put pressure on customers to sign off on requirements before a project starts. Customers often don’t see a working build for several months, which complicates the change process for new requirements and feasibility adjustments. Furthermore, Kissflow platform is designed for swift prototyping and feedback during the development and testing, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.

rad application development

However, scalability is an essential aspect of product-led growth development, and methodologies such as SAFe, agile, Extreme Programming, lean practices, etc., are generally a better fit than RAD for large projects. RAD involves frequent changes and iterations, which requires strong reliance on a skilled technical team. RAD is based on modularization, which focuses on reusing code, templates, tools, and processes.

Finding a RAD-Friendly Platform

Changing code can dramatically alter the entire system, and developers can take advantage of this flexibility by iterating and prototyping potential concepts throughout development. This iterative nature encourages designers and developers to create components that are functional and independent. Each element is compartmentalised, which increases reusability of components, and makes modification easily adaptable to the needs of software evolution.

  • During this stage, developers, clients (software users), and team members communicate to determine the goals and expectations for the project as well as current and potential issues that need to be addressed during the build.
  • All of this makes Zoho Creator one of the most popular rapid application development tools for web development on the market.
  • Graphical user interface builders are often called rapid application development tools.
  • A major challenge with the waterfall model is that once the product moves into the testing phase, the tester cannot go back to reiterate and make changes to the core functions and features.
  • The team should also bear in mind that if any bugs or errors are to be found within the code, they should be efficient in solving them in the quickest time possible.
  • The prototyping and rapid construction phases may be repeated until the product owner and users are satisfied that the prototype and build meets the project requirements.

If you’re looking to join the trend, you’ll need some Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools that can help you kickstart your development process. Luckily for you, there have been several app builders have emerged as mature players in this space. Learn more about topics relating to software development including model-driven engineering, DevOps processes and different tools.

Code reuse

After validation by the customer, the SRS document is developed and the design is finalized. You’re getting a rapid application development platform that can be customized to your particular workflows, and you can create and customize apps according to your specific needs. By using RAD principles, the finance team can quickly create a prototype of the application and get feedback from various departments before going live. With a no-code platform like Kissflow, they can also take responsibility for maintaining the app and make changes along the way.

rad application development

RAD is an extremely flexible approach to app development that focuses on building a working prototype in the shortest amount of time. The philosophy embraces the changing nature of client requirements and lays more emphasis on the development on the go rather than having an extensive, structured plan. Throughout the development process, the customer was able to provide input as to what functionalities were required. All those functionalities were rapidly added as and when they were demanded, and ultimately, the product was delivered to the client. Rapid application development is particularly useful for small businesses that need software done quickly, whilst having a lot of input during the development process. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a highly collaborative model, designed to bring together IT teams, business stakeholders, and end users.


For example, if you’re looking into developing an app on Kissflow for some use case, say to manage your finance department, you’ll have a basic idea of what your finance department needs. Using rapid prototyping, you can make several models and get feedback from the finance team on what they’re looking for. The scale and sophistication of a typical HRMS are perfectly suited for the methodology owing to the involvement of the end user. An HRMS developed by RAD can also simplify multiple workflows such as employee onboarding, performance appraisal cycles, and leave management. RAD is the sort of methodology that will work perfectly if a team has a tight deadline or they have a lot of pressure to deliver something quickly that is functional.

Consequently, software is more robust, less error-prone, and better structured for future design additions. RAD usually embraces object-oriented programming methodology, which inherently fosters software re-use. The most popular object-oriented programming languages, C++ and Java, are offered in visual programming packages often described as providing rapid application development. RAD principles translate easily to Kissflow, unlike JAD, because you can build a working prototype in minutes, and the layout is easy enough that your stakeholders can actually participate and drive the development process. With simple drag-and-drop modules, they can build their own forms and workflows without any help from a programmer. Going back to our example, Kissflow is a cloud workflow automation platform where you can create your own apps using RAD methodology.

What are the phases of Rapid Application Development?

It’s a continuous evolution of development philosophies according to the requirement at that particular time. As we step into 2023, the dynamic landscape of software engineering has evolved, and RAD is poised to play a pivotal role. This is where the product moves from the building environment to the live environment—from the construction phase to the testing phase. Here, the functions and user interface are tested thoroughly to ensure they all work together without bugs and glitches. This means that the code can be dramatically altered to evolve new software/component. Project estimation can be better grasped due to frequent iterations, components, and prototypes getting executed.

Because of the similarities between the two, rapid methodology and Agile development have often been thought of as one and the same. All final changes are made while the coders and clients continue to look for bugs in the system. This method gives developers the opportunity to tweak the model as they go until they reach a satisfactory design. Continue incorporating client feedback while the code is tested and retested to ensure  a smooth, functioning final product. This step requires you to test your software product and ensure that all of its moving parts work together correctly and as the client expects.

Phase 1: Requirements planning

RAD’s nature of easily and frequently obtaining relevant feedback from users who interact directly with applications during development and prototyping is invaluable. Regular communication rad application development and constant feedback increases overall efficiency and quality. The iterative design and access to UI/UX components of a system puts feedback at the forefront of the process.


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