Conversational AI vs Chatbot: What’s the Difference

concersational ai vs chatbots

In customer service, this technology is used to interact with customers in a human-like way. This is possible through a mix of Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning, and other advanced technologies. Conversational AIs you might have already come across include chatbots, virtual assistant technology (think concersational ai vs chatbots Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana), and ChatGPT. Conversational AI can better grasp and interpret human language than typical chatbots. This enables it to give users more customized and contextually suitable responses. An online chatbot is a computer programme that simulates chats with actual visitors.

concersational ai vs chatbots

Some operate based on predefined conversation flows, while others use artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) to decipher user questions and send automated responses in real-time. Conversational AI is a technology that can identify and respond to both text and speech inputs. In customer service, this technology is typically used to interact with customers more humanly. This interaction can happen via a conversational AI bot in a messaging platform or a voice assistant over the phone. These conversational AI platforms help deep learning algorithms understand human language and effectively identify user intent.

Features of Conversational AI vs Chatbot Solutions

Chatbots have a very limited ability to tackle the minute details of customer complaints, as they are restricted by their scripts. However, as mentioned above, conversational AI and, as a result, virtual assistants, have the ability to move beyond. Both the conversational AI solutions and chatbots work with a similar aim of offering customer service and ensuring better engagement. At, we offer concersational ai vs chatbots services that provide better customer service, support, and engagement with the help of conversational AI. We joke that if you walk into a contact center and see agents’ desks plastered with sticky notes, you have a knowledge center problem. Agents are getting asked some of the same questions all the time so they jot the answers on sticky note, so they’ll be ready when the question inevitably arises.

However, we should note that not all chatbots use conversational AI technology so not all will be powerful. And conversational AI chatbots won’t only make your customers happier, they will also boost your business. Chatbots are a type of conversational AI, and the two terms are often used interchangeably.

Use goals to understand and build out relevant nouns and keywords

The chatbot utilized pattern matching and substitution technology and was simulating a doctor. Yet, Eliza couldn’t contextualize events since there was no in-built framework. Check out this guide to learn about the 3 key pillars you need to get started.

concersational ai vs chatbots

While they used to address most common service-related questions, they’re not enough nowadays. First, FAQ sections usually offer generalized answers that don’t provide a detailed response, so if clients need more specifics, they have to spend more time searching and consulting. Second, all data gets outdated over time—and FAQ sections aren’t an exception. When it comes to conversation AI adoption leaders, financial organizations are certainly among the top users.

But there is no denying that conversational AI is far better technology than a traditional chatbot. Despite that, there are certain processes and tasks where a bot would seem more suitable and vice versa. From the above, it’s amply clear that conversational AI is a more powerful technology compared to chatbots. In fact, we have learned how a chatbot needs conversational AI technology to act smarter and become more intelligent.

concersational ai vs chatbots

For example, you can use chatbots to request supplies for specific individuals or teams or implement them as shortcut systems to call up specific, relevant information. Conversational AI provides rapid, appropriate responses to customers to help them get what they want with minimal fuss. As mentioned before, our NLU and NLP-based chatbot solutions boast an extremely high intent accuracy recognition of up to 96%. Find out more about our conversational AI platform, book a demo to discuss your specific needs with us, or try our ROI calculator to see exactly how much SentiOne can do for you.

Chatbot vs. Conversational AI – Which is best for your business?

They can help take care of customer service tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions and providing information about products and services. They are normally integrated with a knowledge database to alleviate human agents from answering simple questions. Many chatbots are used to perform simple tasks, such as scheduling appointments or providing basic customer service. They work best when paired with menu-based systems, enabling them to direct users to specific, predetermined responses. To say that chatbots and conversational AI are two different concepts would be wrong because they’re very interrelated and serve similar purposes.

  • The fact that the two terms are used interchangeably has fueled a lot of confusion.
  • Afterward, to resolve another part of the query, a customer has to repeat it separately so that a chatbot is able to understand it.
  • Depending on their functioning capabilities, chatbots are typically categorized as either AI-powered or rule-based.
  • Both simple chatbots and conversational AI have a variety of uses for businesses to take advantage of.

The end goal is to ensure that conversational AI provides a seamless user experience and interacts with the company’s system without friction. Such conversational AI platforms can assist customers with a wide range of requests—from changing their pin code and checking account balance to handling lost card reports or processing a payment. So when customers ask a conversational AI bot a question that sounds a little different than previous questions it has encountered, it can still figure out what they’re trying to ask.

Suggested Responses

This can reduce customer engagement because they’d rather have a conversation with a helpful contact center agent than a bot. Rule-based and AI chatbots are the two main types of chatbot platforms used today. So, it’ll need to be able to respond to these nuances people have when asking an ‘out-loud’ question. Conversational AI provides the chance for brands to feel more human, providing that authenticity that chatbots lack. So, if chatbots are scripted, rule-based, and pre-determined, conversational AI is the opposite. So, in the context of voice assistance and multilingual, conversational AI stands ahead of chatbots again.

  • In addition, a chatbot can manage numerous interactions at once and is accessible 24/7, unlike a human customer support person.
  • It uses AI to learn from conversations with customers regularly, improving the containment rate over time.
  • You can sign up with your email address, your Facebook, Wix, or Shopify profile.
  • When it comes to digital conversational tools, it’s essential to understand the differences between a conversational chatbot and Conversational AI.
  • Well, users increasing comfort with voice commands will potentially shift how businesses engage with people online, especially through search.

It can maintain the context of the conversation, engage in back-and-forth exchanges, and address complex issues that require a deeper understanding of user intent. For example, they are able to process and fulfill e-commerce orders, solve technical problems, or offer personalized recommendations based on user preferences. Chatbots can function either on pre-built conversation flows or with the help of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence that enables them to get a better understanding of user intent. Rule-based chatbots, on the other hand, function based on scripted conversation models. This means their capabilities both in understanding and responding to text prompts are limited mostly to the scope of the script, though they can be programmed to respond to specific keywords.

What is the difference between conversational AI and virtual assistant?

Virtual assistants utilise natural language processing, like our friend conversational AI, in order to understand and perform tasks from the user. But unlike conversational AI, virtual assistants use their AI technology to respond to user requests and voice commands on devices such as smart speakers.



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